Al Sahlah Travel and Tours, are taking the group for Shahadat of Imam Ali a.s in Najaf – Standard Package. This group is for Iraq. Al Sahlah has specialization in taking Iraq ziarat packages from Pakistan. They have arranged this group for the upcoming month of Ramzan. This package will be of 11 Days.
The departure of Iraq ziarat package is 23rd May 2019. The cost of this Standard Package is only $730 only. Hotels and airline will be updated as soon as possible. Iraq visa for ziarat will be provided. Iraq ziarat package will include all ziarats of Kazmain, Samarrah, Karbala and especially Shahadat of Imam Ali a.s in Najaf al Ashraf.
The package will include all accommodations like transportation, hotels, three-time meals, and visa, ticket facilities. Religious guidance will be provided to the group. Noha Khuwani will be done by world-renowned Noha Khuwan from Karachi i.e Rizwan Zaidi and Subaib Abidi.
23rd May 2019
11 Days
To Be Updated
To Be Updated