Al Sahlah travel and tours have announced the Iraq only package to celebrate the Wiladat of Imam Mehdi ajf. Imam Mehdi ajf is our Imam who is in absence. It always rejoices to celebrate the event.
Wiladat of Imam Mehdi ajf is held on 15th of Shaban which also observed as Shab’e Barat, the night of blessings. Al Sahlah has announced the group which will make departure on the 6th of April 2020. The ziyarat Iraq package has a duration of a total of 10 days. And the cost is only USD 825. This cost applies to zaireen from Karachi, while other zaireen from the rest of the cities can also join the group. The ground package also available overseas.
The ziyarat of Karbala, Najaf, and Kazmain will be a priority, while day visits and ziyarats of Kufa, Samarrah, and Balad are also included. Group will be accompanied by religious scholars. Noha Khuwan will also join the group. The package includes hotel accommodation, 3-time meals, visa and facilitation and transport for ziyarat.
6 April 2020
10 Days
To be updated